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Changing and Recovering Your Cattle Krush Password

Account access is important for running Cattle Krush smoothly on a daily basis. Read the steps below to maintain access to your account.

Changing Your Password

  1. Click on the Settings button on the lower left corner of your Cattle Krush account.
  2. Scroll down to the Password button and click the black Edit button.
  3. Type in your current password in the pop-up that appears. 
  4. Type in your NEW password twice and click the green Save button.

Two Options to Recover Your Password

  1. Reset Password Prompt
    1. In your Google Chrome web browser, navigate to your Cattle Krush account sign-in page and click on Reset Your Password at the bottom of the page. 
    2. Enter the email used for your Performance Beef username in the Email box and click the red Send Reset Email button. 
    3. An email will be sent to your email you entered into the Email box. 
    4. Once you receive an email from support@cattlekrush.com, click on the URL link provided. The link will redirect you to a page to reset your password. 
    5. Enter your new password twice. 
    6. Click the red Submit button to confirm a password change.
  2. Let us Help You
    1. Call our Customer Success team at 515-337-2187 and we can reset your password for you. 


Our Customer Success team is here to help. If you have questions, contact us by calling 515-337-2187 or email us at support@cattlekrush.com. Be sure to take advantage of our complete resource library and how-to videos created to help you succeed.


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