Adding a Cost

Instantly track inputs and costs associated with raising cattle like bedding, processing and medication for more accurate reports within Performance Beef. Follow the steps below to learn how you can apply costs to any given group or pen.

  1. Click Overview on the left side of your screen.
  2. Click the Add Cost button on the right side of the Overview screen.
  3. Choose if your cost is Per Pen or Per group.
  4. Click the Group or Pen List drop-down box, depending on the previous selection, and choose the group(s) or pen(s) affected.
  5. Click the Date drop-down box to choose the date in which the cost was applied.
  6. Select a Cost Type. Inventory Items will then pre-populate once a cost type is chosen.
    1. For example, if you have CTC medication already entered into your Inventory, it will appear as an option to choose once the Medication cost type is chosen.
  7. Choose a Distribute Cost Type. The Distribute Cost type can be set to Equal cost, Split/Head, or Per Head.
    1. Equal cost: The same cost is charged to each pen/group, regardless of how many head of cattle are in each pen or group.
    2. Split/Head: Cost is assigned on a per head basis. For example, if the total cost is $100 and Pen 1 has 20 cattle and Pen 2 has 80 cattle, Pen 1 will be assigned $20 and Pen 2 will be assigned $80.
    3. Per Head: The cost entered is applied equally to each individual head within a pen or group.
  8. Enter your cost based on your selected distribution cost type.

Note: If the added cost is for an item already in your inventory, once the quantity is entered, the cost will automatically calculate based on the quantity entered. 

  9.    Use the Notes section to record any further information.

 10.   If you have more than one added cost, you can select the green Add Another Cost button           to continue adding costs for the original selected groups or pens.

  11.   Click the green Save button on the top right corner of the screen.

Note: Previously saved added costs can be viewed in the Sheets tab under the group they are applied to. Select Added Costs in the second drop-down box on the sheets tab. Learn more here


For a preview of how the cost will be distributed, look for a green banner at the bottom of the Add Cost page. This breakdown will show the cost associated with each group or pen selected as well as the cost per head. After costs are saved, you can view them in the Sheets tab on the left side of your account. As mentioned above, if you already have inventory items entered, the add cost feature can pull the item name and cost per unit directly from the Inventory tab.


Our Customer Success team is here to help. If you have questions, contact us by calling 515-337-2187 or email us at Be sure to take advantage of our complete resource library and how-to videos created to help you succeed.


Add and Manage Inventory Items: Other - Enhance your inventory by including medications, bedding and other feedlot needs by item.

Viewing and Editing Added Costs - Ensure accurate reports by editing added cost entries.

Free Choice Hay: Added Cost, Sheets or Build a Load?