Viewing and Editing Added Costs

Keeping accurate invoices and closeouts is easy when inputs, such as medications, bedding and processing, are simple to enter and edit. Use the steps below to edit your added costs entries.

  1. Click on the Sheets tab on the left side of your Performance Beef account.
  2. Click on the first drop-down box in the upper left corner and select the correct Group ID.
  3. Click on the second drop-down box to the right of the first drop-down box and select Added Costs.
  4. Click the Edit button on the top right corner of the screen. 
  5. Click into the cell you would like to edit and begin typing in the corrected quantity or amount.

Note: Editing cells in the fields of Quantity and Cost will not automatically calculate the other, thus if you adjust the quantity or cost, you will have to manually calculate the other and enter that value in the respective cell. 

  6.  Click the green Save button in the upper left corner. If editing from an iPad, be sure to click           out of the last cell you changed before clicking Save. 


Added costs may need editing due to common user errors like the cost distribution type on initial entry or an inventory error. Once the edits are saved in the sheets, the changes are immediately reflected in your closeouts and invoices.  


Our Customer Success team is here to help. If you have questions, contact us by calling 515-337-2187 or email us at Be sure to take advantage of our complete resource library and how-to videos created to help you succeed.


Adding a Cost - Read this article to learn how to apply non-feed costs to any group or pen.

Add and Manage Inventory Items: Other - Enhance your inventory by including medications, bedding and other feedlot needs by item.

Running Feedlot Invoice Reports - Whether you are a custom feeder or manage your own cattle, read this article to learn how to run a feedlot invoice report.