Keep your account contact information up to date in order to receive profit goal alerts on all your lots within Cattle Krush. Learn how to customize contact and alert settings below.
Click the Settings button on the bottom left corner of your Cattle Krush account.
Click the Edit button under Contact Information.
Here you can edit:
Name of account holder
Phone Number
Email Alerts: On or Off
Text Alerts: On or Off
Be sure to set your alert settings properly. When any lot hits its profit goal, you will receive a text and/or email notification based on your account settings. With Cattle Krush monitoring the markets for you, you can act fast by speaking with your trusted advisors and even lock prices using your Cattle Krush app. For more information about My Lots and how to set a profit goal, see our Operating My Cattle Krush Lots article.
Our Customer Success team is here to help. If you have questions, contact us by calling 515-337-2187 or email us at Be sure to take advantage of our complete resource library and how-to videos created to help you succeed.
Operating Your Cattle Krush Lots - Navigate the Cattle Krush Lots page with ease.
Syncing Your Performance Beef and Cattle Krush Accounts - Maximize profits on your Performance Beef groups in your Cattle Krush account.Accounts
Updating Cattle Krush Credit Card Information - Update your billing information to cover Cattle Krush.