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Updating Cattle Krush Credit Card Information

Read the steps below to update your Cattle Krush billing information on the go.

  1. Click the Settings button on the bottom left corner of your Cattle Krush account.
  2. Scroll down to the Payment Information section and click the Edit button directly below.
  3. Type in your new credit card information in the box labeled Card Number MM/YY CVC.
  4. Double check the Plan box has the correct account plan selected.
  5. Enter any discount code you want to apply, and click Apply.
  6. Click the green Save button and your credit card will be updated.

Cattle Krush Credit Card Information


Our Customer Success team is here to help. If you have questions, contact us by calling 515-337-2187 or email us at support@cattlekrush.com. Be sure to take advantage of our complete resource library and how-to videos created to help you succeed.


Changing and Recovering Your Cattle Krush Password - Read this article to maintain access to your account.

Customize Contact and Alert Settings - Keep your account contact information up to date and receive profit goal alerts by customizing contact and alert settings in this article.

Updating your Cattle Krush App - Keep your app working smoothly by keeping it updated with the latest software.