Updating Feed Ingredient Information

Performance Beef makes it easy to capture dry matter, cost and energy value changes on your busiest day. Using this feature, you can record dry matter or commodity price changes for any time period in the past or moving forward.

To change the cost of an inventory item historically (backdating):
  1. Click on the Inventory tab on the left side of Performance Beef.
  2. Click on the name of the ingredient you would like to enter new information for.
  3. Click on the green Batch Backdate button, and fill out the following information:
    1. Start Date and End Date
    2. Cost per Ton, NEm, NEg and Dry Matter percentage if applicable.
      1. To edit these values, click the small white checkbox to the right of the value. 
  4. Click the green Confirm button in the bottom right corner of the screen when you are finished editing.
  5. Click the green Save button to confirm the change.
  6. Click the green Save button on the upper left corner of the screen.


To change the cost or other values for an inventory item for today moving forward:

  1. Click on the Inventory tab on the left side of Performance Beef.
  2. Click on the ingredient you would like to update.
  3. Enter a new price in the Cost Per Unit box or NEm, NEg or Percentage Dry Matter in their respective fields.
  4. Click the green Save button on the upper left-hand corner of the screen. 

Note: If the cost of an item has changed both historically and for today moving forward, the cost will have to be changed in both places: Cost Per Unit on the initial screen and Batch Backdated.


To view your changes:

  1. Click on the Sheets tab on the left side of the screen within your Performance Beef account.
  2. Click on the first drop-down box in the upper left corner and select either a Pen or a Group.
  3. Click on the second  drop-down box in the upper left corner and select Feed Prices


After using this feature to correct commodity price or dry matter percentage changes, you will automatically see updates in your cost to gain and other related financial information on Invoices, Closeout, etc. Read the articles below for more inventory related information in Performance Beef.


Our Customer Success team is here to help. If you have questions, contact us by calling 515-337-2187 or email us at support@cattlekrush.com. Be sure to take advantage of our complete resource library and how-to videos created to help you succeed.


Add and Adjust Feed Ingredient Inventory - Add new feed deliveries or make an adjustment to your current feed inventory to calculate shrink.

Add and Manage Inventory Items: Feed - Start with the basics and learn how to enter feed ingredients for inventory and ration building.

Add and Manage Inventory Items: Other - Enhance your inventory by including medications, bedding and other feedlot needs by item.