Running Feedlot Closeout Reports

Fully utilize the Performance Beef platform by running real-time closeout reports to save time and accurately project breakevens. Read the steps below to run your first report.

  1. Click on the Reports tab on the left side of your Performance Beef account.
  2. Click on the drop-down box on the upper left corner of the screen and select Closeout (A or B).
  3. Click on the second drop-down box from the upper left corner of the screen and select the Group ID you want to see a closeout report for.

Note: Closeout reports can be generated on a Whole Group, On Feed, or Sold head basis. 

Whole Group reports will display information on an average of both cattle on feed and cattle sold.

On Feed reports will only display information about the portion of the group still being fed on the operation.

Sold reports will only display information about the sold portion of the group.

Note: To print or save the invoice as a PDF on your computer:

  1. Click the green Print button on the upper right corner of the screen. 
  2. If you would like to exclude specific sections from the report, click on the section headings or the black dash marks.
  3. If applicable, use the white drop-down box to the left of the print button to select Between Groups to separate each group to their own page(s).
  4. Click the green Print button on the upper right corner.
  5. In the Destination drop-down:
    1. Select your printer name to print.Then click Print on the lower right corner. 
    2. Select Save as PDF to save the invoice to your computer. Then click Save on the lower right corner. You will be prompted to name the file and choose where you would like the file to be saved. 

There are two closeout reports available, labeled as (A) or (B). Closeout (A) is a simple report displaying projected weights and total gain values associated with cattle performance. Closeout (B) displays much more detail in regards to any cattle performance values and breakevens. In order to generate accurate closeout reports, headcount changes must be correct. For more information on how to edit data that may affect your closeout reports, view the links below. 


Our Customer Success team is here to help. If you have questions, contact us by calling 515-337-2187 or email us at Be sure to take advantage of our complete resource library and how-to videos created to help you succeed.


Selling Cattle Out - Read this article to learn how to record cattle sales and out weights.

Entering Cattle Deaths - Stay organized and get the most accurate closeout reports by tracking headcount changes. Click this link to learn how to enter cattle deaths.

Entering Check Weights to Adjust Base on Growth Model - Adjust the projected weight on a group by entering check weights.