Entering Cattle Deaths

Stay organized and get the most accurate closeout reports by tracking headcount changes with Performance Beef. Read the following steps below to learn how to enter cattle deaths.

  1. Click the Overview tab on the upper left corner of your Performance Beef account.
  2. Click the green +/- Head button in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Click the green Death button.
  4. Entering deaths by Group:
    1. Enter date the death occurred, Group ID(s), Pen ID, animal IDs (if using Animal Health), death loss for each group, cause of death and notes.

Note the following:

  • For animals previously diagnosed, the cause of death is correlated with Health Analytics. Read more here.
  • If multiple groups are chosen, make sure the groups are in one pen. The entry cannot save deaths from multiple pens at one time.

5.    Click the green Preview button on the upper left corner to save the death loss.

6.    Click the green Confirm button on the lower right corner of the pop-up window.


    Correct head count is a vital part to seeing accurate real-time closeout reports and breakeven projections. Each report within the platform will allow you to see deads-in and deads-out values. This means you can see how each lot performed as well as how it would have performed if a death loss did not occur. Learn how to customize your closeout report visibility settings here


    Our Customer Success team is here to help. If you have questions, contact us by calling 515-337-2187 or email us at support@cattlekrush.com. Be sure to take advantage of our complete resource library and how-to videos created to help you succeed.


    Keeping Head Count Organized: Edit Deaths - Learn how to edit cattle deaths to keep group projections exact.

    Keeping Head Count Organized: Edit Sold Head - Follow the steps in this article to ensure cattle information is organized and true based on a real-time head count.

    Selling Cattle Out - Read this article to learn how to record cattle sales and out weights.